Established in 2012, Angeon Advisors works in the fields of Private Equity, Hedge Funds, M&A, Private Debt, and Venture Capital.
We help both investors and investees unlock economic value by building bridges of trust and fair play.
We are fanatics for corporate best practice, honesty, and integrity, because we believe capital cannot otherwise be moved to realize the possible.
We delight in learning the new, trying out novel combinations of the old, and asking the question "why not?".
Businesses inhabit not only the markets. Experience shows they also create footprints in society and the environment, and any enterprise ignoring this reality does so at its own peril.
Perseverance is ingrained. We depend upon one another's dedication and complementary strengths to carry the team to the next ledge, and the next.
We help growth-stage, pre-IPO, and mature businesses with their capital raising strategies and activities. Our corporate finance advice covers mergers and acquisitions, capital structure, leveraged buyouts, distress situations, and enterprises facing family succession. The team's experience spans a broad range of industries and geographies.
Furthermore, we introduce private placement opportunities and stringently screened alternatives funds to our network of institutional and high net worth investors in the Philippines and South East Asia. Our wealth consulting practice is all about tailoring individual and family investors’ global portfolios to their long-term needs. For example, we can facilitate the set up of overseas family offices in conjunction with the clients’ preferred private banks.

Focused on the Private Capital Markets and Wealth Consulting

Angeon Advisors Ltd.
Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way
802 West Bay Road, P.O. Box 31119
Grand Cayman, KY1-1205
Cayman Islands
E: frontdesk@angeonadvisors.com
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